Fit tips & inspiration to simplify your health journey.
The Kingdom of God does not consist in talk, but in power! #SWEATfocus--ACCOUNTABILITY Create a SMART goal, make a plan & SHARE it! Every week, we encourage (and challenge) each other to create SMART goals, make a plan to reach them and then SHARE them with our SWEAT Club and a friend. Because we all know, it is not enough to SAY we want to do something or change something... We have to find a way to make it happen! And SHARING SMART GOALS helps us do just that... because there is POWER in sharing our journey-- there is power in accountability! Here are some basic Guidelines to get started: 1. CONTROL YOUR GOAL Remember, a Goal is something you can control. So focus on HABITS you can practice and establish over time, versus RESULTS that you are hoping for in a certain amount of time. 2. MAKE YOUR GOAL SMART Specific--what is it that you will do? Measurable--how will you track your progress? Accountable--who will you share your goal with and how often will you follow up? Realistic--is this goal achievable Timed--when will you start and how much time will you need to achieve it? 3. CREATE A PLAN OF ACTION To achieve your goal or make progress, what action steps do you need to take? 1. What is one thing you need to stop doing? 2. What is one thing you need to start doing? 3. What is one thing you need to continue to do? 4. RE-COMMIT DAILY Write your goals and action plan down and re-commit to it daily by checking in with yourself and your accountability partner regarding your progress. Sign up for our weekly #FITNEWSletter (in right hand column) to receive a SMART GOALS worksheet to help you! We'd love to connect with you! Please follow us on your favorite social media accounts or send us an email if you have questions or prayer requests!
"Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. 1 Peter 5:8 One of the most challenging aspects of being healthy, no matter how much we know or how many resources we have, is the staying motivated to WANT to make those better choices. This is usually because we are RESULTS-oriented. So if we do not see the results we are working for, we lose our determination and decide it is not worth the extra time and energy. But if you can change your mindset to be REASON-oriented, then your motivation would be centered around a deeper force that drives you to keep making better choices, even when you aren't seeing results! And the ONE THING you need to be start becoming more REASON-oriented is... ACCOUNTABILITY! Accountability is more than just checking in with someone periodically to tell you how you are progressing... Accountability is about having a REASON to keep making progress, and being responsible for our choices. This week, pray about someone who can join you on your journey to help you become more accountable for your choices. This person should be someone who: *encourages you to be alert by reminding you of WHY you want to be healthier, especially when you are struggling; *equips you to be self-disciplined by being available to measure & evaluate your progress; and *empowers you to make better choices by celebrating your victories, no matter how small! Granted, God is your greatest Accountability partner, but He also created us for relationship to help build each other up! We'd love to have you join our online community for added accountability, tips & encouragement! #FITfocus: ACCOUNTABILITY | #FAITHfocus 1 Peter 5:8
If you could do ONE thing that would guarantee that you reached your your goals EVERY SINGLE TIME, would you do it? I'm not talking about a magic pill that keeps you motivated or special 3-step plan that resolves all your excuses and makes the journey easy. The truth is that the journey is supposed to be hard--so that you lean on God and not yourself. HOWEVER, there is ONE thing that YOU can do to guarantee you will succeed in reaching your goals.. .and it is this: BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR GOALS YOU CAN CONTROL. First, take responsibly for your actions by being accountable to yourself, God and at least one other person whom you trust. Track your activity, pray often & use Scripture to empower you and invite one person to encourage you and keep you focused on your goal. Second, set goals that are within your power to control. You can't control how much weight you will lose each week, because honestly there are so many variables that alter our metabolism... But you can control how much you SWEAT (sleep, water intake, eat clean/exercise, be accountable and time your meals) each day. It may take some extra planning and preparation, but even when interruptions come, FOCUS on what is in your ability to be responsible for. When you focus on what you CAN control, then God will take care of those things that only He was intended to control! Share your journey with us! Use #F619SWEAT and tag us @foundations619 on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter! |
#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |