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#FITfocus: SWEAT PRINCIPLE #6--TIMED NUTRITION #FAITHfocus LUKE 9:23 "Whoever wants to be my disciple, must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." The very essence of honoring God is learning to deny ourselves what we want most in order to do what pleases God more. In so doing, we train ourselves to become His disciples, daily learning how to make choices that line up with His Truth. When we make the decision to take up our cross daily, we intentionally make sacrifices that lead us in the direction of God's Kingdom purposes for our lives and His Glory. Jesus knew what the cross was going to cost Him... And He chose to deny His flesh and take up the cross anyway. In the same way, making healthier lifestyle choices requires that we distance ourselves from habits that are not beneficial to us and compromise our ability to do Kingdom work. Timing your Nutrition so that you eat every 3-4 hours helps you practice self-discipline, learning how to deny yourself eating when you're not hungry because of boredom, stress or other circumstantial triggers. In addition it helps us understand that food is FUEL for the body and should only be consumed when energy is needed. Here are 3 basic guidelines to help you practice timing your Nutrition: 1. Know your Schedule. Consider what your schedule will be for each day, and determine WHEN you will eat. 2. Plan your Meals Accordingly. If you know you'll be out, plan where you will eat or pack a lunch/snack. 3. Set Boundaries for Interruptions. Determine at least 1 boundary for what you will NOT EAT should your schedule get interrupted or plans change. For example, no Fried Foods or eating a Salad if you're eating out. How do you plan on SWEATing this week to honor God with your body? What is the greatest challenge you face when practicing timing your nutrition?
#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |