Fit tips & inspiration to simplify your health journey.
#FaithFocus: Psalm 37:7 Quiet your heart in his presence and pray; keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you. HOPE- we all need it! And I would venture to say we all secretly long for more of it! My dear friend Shea has been sharing some devotionals on HOPE this last week and I couldn’t help but think maybe you needed some HOPE too! So I wanted to share this one- to remind you no matter how weary you are, there is HOPE!! “Waiting in Hope draws the gaze of God. Psalm 33:18 says "The eyes of the Lord are upon even the weakest worshipers who love him— those who wait in hope and expectation for the strong, steady love of God.” Sometimes, trusting the One True Hope simply looks like waiting. It means pausing to whisper our trust in Him rather than making our own plans to protect ourselves and control everything around us. That’s when the strong, steady love of God rushes in. You'll feel Him in the pausing. You'll feel Him in the praying. You'll feel Him in the waiting. And hey, weary one, don't fall for the lie of the enemy. Our God, the One True Hope, does not discriminate against weak worshipers. His eyes are on you, yes YOU, as you HOPE in Him. Pray with the Psalmist: "Your perfection and faithfulness are my bodyguards, for you are my hope and I trust in you as my only protection." My prayer is that you will keep the flame of hope alive as you surrender daily to God and trust Him to care for and protect you! +++ If you'd like to receive more devotionals from my friend, visit www.cspolitte.com/arise.
This week our goal is to be intentional about being ACTIVE by moving our bodies just 1% more than usual!
>>And focus on making your movement an act of worship! 👉🏼When I started tracking my steps, I realized that I didn’t move much after my workouts and Sundays my steps were super low! So I started adding a walk after dinner and then when we moved I started walking on Sundays while I listened to church online. I am learning to quiet myself to thank God for The ability to move my body and The energy to get it done even when I don’t want to. These were small choices that helped me develop a better habit of moving and actually helped me reduce stress! 👉🏼Whether you add 5 minutes of activity to your day or commit to a new workout program, being intentional about your movement is what matters! And then just give your best effort! Can you increase your movement by just 1%? Or maybe increase your intensity? Or intentionality? +++ #SWEATtip: Find new ways to move your body more intentionally in small ways- like marching in place while you watch your favorite show or Going for a walk during your lunch hour or after dinner. #SWEATSHARE: Share below your plan for moving 1% more this week with purpose! • • • #activelifestyle #activeliving #sweatgoals #f619fitness #movemore #measureprogress #stepgoals #healthyliving #myworkoutisworship #fitfaith #fitTraining #mindsetmatters #intentionalliving #intensitymatters #honorGodwithyourbody #fitliving #livefit #f619fit #fitcoach |
#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |