Fit tips & inspiration to simplify your health journey.
This week our goal is to be intentional about being ACTIVE by moving our bodies just 1% more than usual!
>>And focus on making your movement an act of worship! 👉🏼When I started tracking my steps, I realized that I didn’t move much after my workouts and Sundays my steps were super low! So I started adding a walk after dinner and then when we moved I started walking on Sundays while I listened to church online. I am learning to quiet myself to thank God for The ability to move my body and The energy to get it done even when I don’t want to. These were small choices that helped me develop a better habit of moving and actually helped me reduce stress! 👉🏼Whether you add 5 minutes of activity to your day or commit to a new workout program, being intentional about your movement is what matters! And then just give your best effort! Can you increase your movement by just 1%? Or maybe increase your intensity? Or intentionality? +++ #SWEATtip: Find new ways to move your body more intentionally in small ways- like marching in place while you watch your favorite show or Going for a walk during your lunch hour or after dinner. #SWEATSHARE: Share below your plan for moving 1% more this week with purpose! • • • #activelifestyle #activeliving #sweatgoals #f619fitness #movemore #measureprogress #stepgoals #healthyliving #myworkoutisworship #fitfaith #fitTraining #mindsetmatters #intentionalliving #intensitymatters #honorGodwithyourbody #fitliving #livefit #f619fit #fitcoach
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#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |