![]() BEGINNING MY JOURNEY I had been saying for months that I was going to start eating healthy and exercising because my oldest daughter is severely over weight and I needed to do something before it got out of hand. Well, needless to say I didn't do it, and a lot of time passed me by. Well in August of this year, my daughter started having lots more medical problems and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic/insulin resistant and fatty liver. Then the very next day my husband was hospitalized with diabetes as well. His blood sugar level was at 783, which was very dangerous and at that point was when I realized I was killing my family. It broke my heart because I'm mom...I'm supposed to ensure my family is healthy and taken care of. AndI wasn't doing my job--so at that moment I made a change from within. I prayed and asked God to show me how to do it and to give me strength to do it. So on August 7th, I made a commitment to change my unhealthy way of life! ![]() MY MOTIVATION My greatest motivation is first God, but my husband as well. He is fighting the battle with Stage 4 Colon Cancer and has been fighting since March 6, 2013. He is my inspiration because even with doing chemo twice a week every other week, he still goes out and workouts with me--even when he doesn't want to or he doesn't have the energy to, he goes. So if he can battle cancer with a smile and still workout, getting healthy for me should be a piece of cake! He gives me inspiration to keep going and work hard every day, and I'm beyond blessed to have him by my side! OVERCOMING OBSTACLES As far as obstacles, the main one is eating every 4 hrs (this was part of Foundations 6:19 S.W.E.A.T. Challenge). Part of it is mental, because I'm afraid the more I eat, the more I will gain. So, I have trained my mind and body to only eat once, maybe twice a day. I know now that this has done me more harm than good, because now my metabolism is very slow and out of whack. I've had to pray on it so I can rewire myself to understand eating small and healthy snacks throughout the day is the best thing for me. The other part of it is, and this is embarrassing to admit, but I can't afford to buy enough food to feed myself like I should. We live on my husband's disability check, and with 3 daughters, it's not easy to provide enough food. So, I buy what I can, and I don't eat like I should so that I can make the food last us the whole month. But I do make do with what I have, and I thank God everyday because I am not without, so I still am very blessed. FOCUSING ON THE FUTURE My Ultimate goal is to have my whole family healthy and not overweight. As for myself, I want to be able to run in a special Cross Country meet with my 2 youngest ones next year called the Fun Run. They invite anyone to run, and I want to be able to do it with them. I want to be at my goal weight and injury free! LOL! HONORING GOD WITH MY BODY Iris asked me "How did F6:19 help you?" Man, you really don't know how much you (F619) helped me! When I prayed, asking for the "how to," God sent me Iris! I saw her page on Facebook through my friend Colleen, and I read through it. God told me to contact Iris, and so I did. The information, encouragement, support and friendships I have made through F6:19 are priceless!! I thank God for bringing Iris into my life because without her generosity and encouragement I would have never stayed on the right track! MY ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOU As far as advice, I would just say what I tell everyone that asks me how and what I do. First, you need to pray for guidance and strength. Then you need to heal the inside, so you can heal the outside. In other words, I know most people are not overweight or unhealthy because they want to be... a lot of times it's something deeper. Like for me, it was my past, losing my dad to suicide back in 1999 set me on a back track. I knew I had to heal my heart and mind before I could ever fix my body. So I prayed, and I forgave myself and my dad and every other thing that was holding me under water. I let go of it and after that I was able to move forward, and now that's all I look forward to! So heal your heart and mind and your body will follow! WHAT WORKED FOR ME FITNESS: I try to have an hr workout at least 3 times a week and a 15-20 minute one at least 5 times a week. Example: Monday-stretch, warm up 2 laps around local soccer field Frog squats-25 Jumping jacks-30 seconds Liners-8 Jump ropes-30 seconds Lunges(20yds)-2 Plank side leg kick/raise-15 each side Frog squats-25 Horizontal plank leg raise-15 each side Laps-2 Tuesday-2 mile speed walk & Plank on elbows-1minute Pushups modify(shoulder still hurts)-30 Cross crunches-10 Toe tap crunches-10 Crunches-10 Frog squats-30 Jumping jacks-30 seconds Push up position plank-2 minute Wednesday-cross training workout I got from F619 Sweat challenge I just pick one for that day Thursday-rest Friday-same workout as Wednesday minus the walk Sat/Sun-Monday workout FUEL (Nutrition): I really like the NutraStart Protein Shake I won for Foundations 6:19 during our Challenge. I really don't have any favorite snacks or meals otherwise. ACCOUNTABILITY: My family calls me a workout monster, now, lol! I used to love working out when I was younger, and as I mentioned I had lost myself and my passion for anything. Now I love the feeling I get after I workout. I have been reminded why I love to workout and wanting to be obedient for taking care of my body as Christ asks of me and being around for a long time and having my family healthy is all the accountability I need. SPIRITUAL EDIFICATION: Well I prayed a lot first off. I prayed for strength to begin my journey, then for God to send me someone to show me the way to get started. Then to help rebuild my faith and love in myself that the devil had destroyed. He brought nothing but depression and bitterness to me and it destroyed myself worth and vision. I opened my eyes to see how much he not only brought destruction to me but also to my family. Our health was horrible and now with my oldest having her health problems and my husband having cancer and diabetes I realized the devil was truly here to only kill, steal and destroy. By praying and getting closer to God I was shown how my body is a temple and the devil had no business being there. God showed me His love and grace and I was renewed. The devil almost destroyed me but I found God instead. Prayer and faith is my foundation for a healthier and happier life. God loves me and I know this now so I'm taking my second chance at life and making it one that makes me worthy.
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YOUR JOURNEYEvery story we share is about more than just losing weight--it's more about gaining confidence in Christ to make healthier choices that last a life-time! Archives
February 2018