Fit tips & inspiration to simplify your health journey.
#FITfriday I shared a new workout idea with our #F619sweatCLUB this morning, and maybe you’ve tried something similar before! (Read to the end to see it!) It’s called a #TRIGGERworkout or #Intermittentworkout! And I believe it’s a great way to increase your overall DAILY activity if you’re having a difficult time with a consistent workout time during quarantine because of - caring for loved ones - extra work hours - no equipment - motivation And so on!! ***** Here’s how it works:
1. Choose a TRIGGER- something that will prompt you to take action. It can be a timer (every 2-3 hrs), an object (something placed in a room you walk through often), or something that happens frequently (like your kids asking you for snacks 😉)! 2. Choose an exercise/movement that works large muscle groups and is safe to do without a warmup. (Bodyweight squats, pushups, crunches, jumping jacks etc.) 3. Choose reps/sets/time to complete. It shouldn’t be a exhausting, just enough to get your heart rate up and feel a "burn." Ideally 5x reps of 3-4 exercises. Or maybe a certain exercise or series of exercises for time (3-5 minutes). 4. CHOOSE to MOVE! Everytime you see/hear your trigger, CHOOSE TO MOVE! The goal is to find ways to increase your activity, which overall is healthier than working out for 1 hour and being sedentary for the rest of the day! Here is what I shared with the workout group: INTERVAL 1- 5 pushups 5 sit ups 5 jumping jacks INTERVAL 2- 10 plie squats 10 tricep dips 10 bicycle crunches INT INTERVAL 3- 15 reverse crunches 15 toe touches 15 superman lat pulldowns IF YOU TRY IT, please let me know your thoughts! Or tag us @foundations619 on social media! #sweatPRAYrepeat
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#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |