Fit tips & inspiration to simplify your health journey.
I thank You and praise You, O God... You have given me wisdom and power... Lately, I have been struggling with some frustration, and it's amazing to me how God has very strategically provided me with different sources of wisdom to learn how to handle it in His strength and not my own. I don't want this to be a venting session for my frustrations, but I do want to encourage you today with 3 things God has spoken to me to help me handle my frustrations and learn to be Grateful, Wise & Powerful. #1. Name the Everyday Graces I am reading a devotional called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and it has been such a blessing to my soul each and every single day! The main idea is to take time every day to name the everyday graces God is setting before me...and when I do this, I maintain a grateful heart and peaceful mind because I am focused on His goodness and that brings Him glory! Today, write down as many things/moments as you can name that you are grateful for. and then repeat tomorrow... #2. Rest in His Truth One of my most recent goals was to wake up early every morning to have my alone time in prayer and reading God's Word. I started out well, but once schedules got crazier, I got more tired, and it has become harder and harder to get up. BUT one day as I tried to "catch up" mid-morning, I felt God say to me, "You will find more rest in waking up earlier to be with Me, than any extra amount of sleep can ever give you." And I cried--because it was such a powerful but tender Word and it was a reminder that He sees me and know what's best for me. Today, take time to READ and REST in God's Word. It is in this time that you store up knowledge that you will later need to apply wisdom to your decision-making. #3. Progress takes Practice Power is more than having strength... it is being able to apply any given strength with quickness and effectiveness. So, walking in God's power is the ability to tap into His strength at any given moment to accomplish His will and honor Him. In order for us to make progress in how we live for Christ, we must practice walking in His power-- consistently, moment by moment, day by day. Today, when you are faced with a difficult task or decision, practice praying for God's strength to empower you to overcome as He leads you and works though you. I would love to hear how God has taught you to handle frustration! Please share below!
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#sweatPRAYrepeatAuthorA Jesus girl who desires to honor God with my everyday choices! I love my family, sweating with my friends, and anything chocolate! Every week, we focus on a Scripture & Sweat Goal in efforts to train ourselves to honor God with our bodies and our everyday choices. We refer to these as our weekly #FAITHfocus & #FITfocus.
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October 2020
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 |